“I was to be called 30 minutes before arriving so I could be be there got there at 3pm ,called at 530 to to see if they were still coming I was told they will be there for sure today, called agian at 10.00 pm didn't think they work that late was told she will check to see what was going on and would let me know never got back to me I had been sitting most of the time in my car to keep warm because there was no heat in the house oil ran out my brother's house and I don't know anything about oil and was told they would have to start the furnace because of running out of oil ,called agian at 11pm and was told the oil had been delivered at 1130am that day and was never called and the 2 calls I made that day didn't check right I guess but the 3 person who was very helpful and apologic because I had sat in my car for 8 hours and was so afraid the water pipes would freeze ,got some to come out and start the furnace was not a good first time experience with oil heat Joy miller 717 676 9019”