“As opposed to the Hobbit movies (which seemed like Peter Jackson had somehow become angry with Tolkien fans and somehow wanted to punish them by doing nearly EVERYTHING wrong) the Lord of the Rings films doing nearly everything right. "In what way?" you may ask (if you've been living under a rock for nearly that last two decades)?Acting, casting, music, production values, costuming, effects, and the list goes on and on. All very well done. Most importantly, however, is the fact that the films follow the books in tone and content very well. With a couple of notable exceptions, the films are a very good representation of the books and are closer to the source content than the vast majority of film adaptations. When you add to that the extra content, across the films with the extended editions there are hours and hours (and HOURS) of interesting and engaging content. It is just something everyone should own. *Note - It may be a little harsh for younger children (some violent and scary content for kids).”
“Auch der zweite Teil gehört zu recht zu den besten Filmen aller Zeiten, die Abweichungen zum Buch sin natürlich da, wenn auch die extended Version einiges wieder gut macht.”
“Das setzt sich das Filmstudio bei der Blu-ray Veröffentlichung der Extended Edition mit der leiernden Tonspur derart in die Nesseln, dass sich Amazon wohl dachte: 'Hey, nehmen wir doch die verschandelte Tonversion. Vielleicht spart das ein paar Cent an Lizenzgebühr.' Echt lächerlich Amazon. Setzen, Sechs!”