“As a huge Prachett fan I loved this film and my husband (much less keen on diskworld) loved it to. As always some liberties are taken to fit book to film but they work well(look out for Adora Belle Dearheart's dominatrix tendancies!) and the casting is inspired.”
“Terry Pratchet's stories are admittedly very difficult to make into a movie, but I think overall this was well done. The storyline is not 100% correct if compared to the book, but I personally thought that it overall conveyed the same intent, humor, and plot.”
“Having owned and read the entire Discworld series to date, I have been interested to see how the books are starting to translate to screen.This is definitely the most successful screenplay version so far. The film has a more grown-up feel to it, employing much more successful lighting/music cues to really lend atmosphere to the storyline.Richard Coyle works very hard in the lead role of Moist von Lipwig, and contrary to other reviews I feel that he really inhabits the character of Moist, making you warm to the character and enjoy watching him move on from petty conman to saviour of the postal service! Complementing him well is David Suchet (I think appearing somewhat similar to Danny DeVito as the Penguin from Batman Returns!), providing the believable yet comic evil nemesis.Diehard Pratchett fans be aware that the plot is altered a little from the book, however, if this is good enough for Terry Pratchett, it's certainly good enough for me, and I don't feel that it detracts in any way from enjoying the film.Buy it and enjoy!!”
“erst mal vorweg: ich hab den film über amazon.co.uk bestellt, in englisch, einfach, weil ich nicht mehr warten konnte :Dpratchetts buch wird natürlich wie in der vorigen rezension erwähnt vereinfacht dargestellt, (wie soll es sonst funktionieren, ein buch in einen film zu quetschen?)die schauspieler überzeugen in ihren rollen, das set ist äußerst liebevoll gestaltet und echte pratchett-fans werden bestimmt zufriedener sein als mit COLOUR OF MAGIC. sehr gut fand ich die gesamte umsetzung, man kann dem film sehr gut folgen (ich glaube das gilt auch für leute, die das buch nicht kennen), der musikalische hintergrund ist ein traum! ja gut, die golems sehen alle gleich aus, die effekte sind wie bei den vorigen verfilmungen recht simpel, aber die schauspieler machen alles wieder wett!!bis dato die beste discworld-verfilmung: enorme schauspielerische leistung, wunderschönes set, super kostüme, super handlung, nicht so schwerfällig wie colour of magic oder hogfather. und wie sollte es anders sein: terry pratchett spielt auch eine kleine rolle :)2 thumbs up!”
“`Going Postal' is the third live action adaptation of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books and this one is easily the best of the three. The story sees convicted conman Moist von Lipwig put in charge of Ankh-Morpork's Post Office and charged with getting the decrepit and failing organisation up and running again. As well as having to deal with a postal system that hasn't worked in years, Moist must also deal with the devious Reacher Gilt who is in charge of the Post Office's rival, the Clacks.I greatly enjoyed `Going Postal', as I did all the other Discworld adaptations mad by Sky, and I would definitely say that it is the best one yet. While there is quite a bit that was left out or used in a different way to how it was used in the book, most of the changes and omissions aren't that noticeable (although I would say that there are a couple of obvious exceptions).Richard Coyle is very good as Moist von Lipwig, as is Claire Foy as Adora Belle Dearheart, but everyone involved seems to be doing a very good job, even if it is a bit hammy in places. The special effects aren't that good but they are definitely better than some of those seen in the previous two adaptations.The main problem with the adaptation though is that some of the characters suffer somewhat from the translation from book to screen. The two most affected from this are Reacher Gilt and Sergeant Angua both of whom are somewhat different from their characters in the book, Angua especially.Overall though I would say that this is a very good adaptation and I will definitely be looking forward to the next one (rumoured to be `Sourcery')”
“Definitely the best Pratchett adaptation to date - I look forward to many more in this vein.Even if I wasn't a huge fan of the series, I would have enjoyed this production - probably because of the sheer enthusiasm and commitment of the cast. Every one of the cast has made this book come to life on the screen and Richard Coyle, as the wonderfully named Moist von Lipwig, is a very charismatic lead actor.Of course as with any adaptation from book to film, there are casualties of plot, character (and often sense!), but these appear to have been kept to a minimum in this adaptation. I must say I missed Tiddles ... the moment where Moist rescues Tiddles from the burning Post Office building is a seminal moment in the book and one that ensures his growing fame and labels him as a 'hero' and traps him indelibly in this new world of respectable work that he's been trying to get out of.I did wonder why Jeremy Irons had morphed into Charles Dance as the Patrician, but my goodness, isn't Charles Dance just wonderful at being Vetinari?!I get the impression that 'The Colour of Magic' and 'Hogfather' were the film industry dipping their toes into Pratchett to see what temperature the water was - now that they know it's HOT, hopefully they will do more adaptations and get better and better each time.A final word of praise to the many fans who donned their Diskworld costumes and populated Anhk Morpork so wonderfully.”