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TRAKK Mini Elliptical Machine Reviews

4 Rating 100 Reviews
I have been using the Stamina InMotion E1000 for over a month now. I use it for 45 min six days out of the week. It is very smooth and quiet. Getting on and off is not an issue. Like all equipment, one has to be mindful and step on and off carefully, but when you do it right, it is very stable. I have a small stride, so the step range is perfect. The second day I used it, it started making a weird noise. Upon inspection, I found a little speck of paper right where one of the pedals glides on the base with its rubber wheel. I wiped it off and sprayed a bit of WD-40 on the wheel path, and the noise complete went away. The readings stay until you clear them, which is nice, especially if you forget to log them in your activity tracker. I keep it on a non-slip cloth (those things that go under rugs to prevent them form slipping), mainly to make sure the machine leave no dents or marks on my hardwood floors, and to be able to lift it up and store it away (I just pick up the cloth and the machine with it). I am short and not particularly muscular, but I can lift it and relocate it easily. All in all, a great machine for a light to medium workout at home.
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Posted 4 years ago
I wasn't sure I liked this at first but I use it everyday now. It was me, not the machine. I haven't exercised in a very long time and getting myself back into any kind of workout routine was my big challenge. The Stamina InMotion E1000 Compact Strider provides an excellent workout even in the sitting position. I love it and feel it was a good investment for me. The best thing about this exerciser is, it's too small to hang clothes on so it's always available to use... No excuses.
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Posted 4 years ago
Bought this during the height of the pandemic & fire season to be able to exercise inside. Since there is no handle and the pedals are not attached, it's not very convenient to move around. Also I've noticed the wheels can squeak when rug fibers get caught underneath. Overall it's really boring to use on it's own but can be OK to use at a standing desk for brief periods. Did not get any noise complaints from downstairs neighbors even though we put it on hardwood.
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Posted 4 years ago
I was so excited to get this. I thought it would be nice to have at work. It worked great for 2 weeks then I started having problems with it squeaking. I used wd-40 and it would not fix it. I ended up taking it home to use it while watching tv. The squeaking began to get worse. The machine started to not run smoothly and started to feel tighter. I will be returning this.
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Posted 4 years ago
As far as providing movement for my body so that I'm not sitting still all day, I'm very happy with it. But after a few weeks of silent striding, it started to develop a light squeak on one side. A few weeks later, that squeak is very noisy and I'm afraid it will annoy my apartment neighbors when I use it at 5AM while they're still trying to sleep. I've oiled all the moving/rotating parts I can get to with 3-in-1 oil but the squeak didn't lessen at all. The whole point was that it was supposed to be so quiet, I could use it without waking anyone up. But at least my legs are getting some movement they otherwise would not be.
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Posted 4 years ago
I am on day 2 of using this thing. I feel I don't really get much range of motion to call this "exercise". It was quiet the first day but the second day, it makes squeaky noises. I am not sure what happened there. I checked to make sure things were tightened enough. Only time will tell. The more resistance I add, the louder it is. It's like a steady "shhhhhhhhhhh" sound with harmonic squeak. HA!
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Posted 4 years ago
I love it BUT! the left pedal starts squeaking after about the 10th day, happened with the first one I Ordered and got a replacement, and its happening again after about the 10th day of using it, it is the Greatest form of exercise for under my Desk at work , I use is at least 8hours of my day and Burn approx. 4,500 calories a day, loosing weight has NEVER being soo easy, the greatest Elliptical EVER! I wish they could find a way for it not to Squeak, not sure what to do about it, I tried Lube on the first one didn't work, soo sad. HELP!SO! i received the replacement machine and it is PERFECT! I really recommend this machine and. i have 5 girls in my Office that are going to Order it as well LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!
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Posted 4 years ago
I have been suffering with varying degrees of foot pain on a daily basis for the last several years due to Type 2 Diabetes. I had noticed that the pain level increased as the colder my feet felt. Doing some research on line I found out that cold feet could be due to poor circulation in the bodies extremities due to Type 2 Diabetes. A solution to improving circulation was to exercise the legs which would increase the blood flow to the foot area. I started looking at elliptical pedal exercisers on TRAKK and decided to purchase the "Stamina In Motion Elliptical exerciser. I received the exerciser in early August and have been faithfully using the exerciser 5 days a week for 30 minutes a session. After several months of doing this, my foot pain has been reduced by 80% and the color of foot/toes area is much more normal looking than it used to be. I love the machine and it has provided me the relief that I was desperately looking for. EXERCISE WORKS!!!
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Posted 4 years ago