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TRAKK Memory Foam Knee Wedge Pillow Reviews

4.1 Rating 912 Reviews
I have 2 herniated discs in my lower back and need a pillow between my knees. This gives so much more support than the throw pillow I used to use. I do wish it was a bit larger, but I don't move much during the night so it pretty much stays in place.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
This pillow had such an awful chemical odor that we couldn't leave it in the house, never mind in the bedroom!None of the other reviews mentioned such an odor, so perhaps you'll be more fortunate, but this one's going back ASAP, and it'll be on the back porch until I can get it to the UPS store. WHEW! What a stench.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I am a side sleeper and was excited when I saw this pillow . The problem was I could not keep the pillow between my knees. It kept slipping everytime I moved. So I held it tight with my knees only to get cramps in my legs and lose sleep. Total waste of time and money for this side sleeper
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I've been sleeping with a pillow between my legs for a very long time, to the point where I can't sleep without one. The downfall of a regular pillow is that it's really bulky, especially if you're sharing your bed with someone else. Like any new product, I was slightly skeptical, but it has been a fantastic change, and I've been getting better sleep since I started using this! This pillow fits perfectly between the legs, just above my knees, and keeps my legs in the perfect position. The biggest difference I've noticed is that it fits so well that I forget that it's there. I used to have to readjust my pillow, make sure it wasn't pushing my wife in the back, and wake up with it at the end of the bed; now, this new pillow is a smaller, more ideal size, and seems to just stay in perfect place all night. Great for people who like to sleep with a pillow between their knees. I started doing it because it helped my lower back after long drives, but I'm sure there are various other benefits. Excellent product!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
It's definitely helped my back and especially my hip area where I have had trouble with ligaments holding my hip in place. Loose joint syndrome allows my joints to slip slighty when sleeping and I wake up with some pain in elbows and hip joints. This pillow has helped this and is smaller so my husband doesn't have a big pillow flopping around under the covers. I had to get used to it for maybe 2 nights, now it feels natural.
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Posted 4 years ago
Verified Reviewer
This little pillow makes a WORLD of difference. I was worried because some reviews said it squished to much. I am a plus size girl and to get it to condense so much my knees touched, I had to squeeze REALLY hard. It does more for my hips and back than a pillow and it doesn't get in the way or move as much.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
This is a great pillow and really helps with sciatica relief. The only problem is trying to find a new way of sleeping. I find myself waking up and tossing the pillow on the floor. Then during the night I search for it to find pain relief. And after a few hours on the floor it goes. So I'd say I'm still in the transition phase with this pillow. But the bottom line for this pillow is that it does relieve the discomfort of sciatica pain.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have purchased this and also the comfilife seat cushion for sciatica for my mother. She is in her 60s and has severe scoliosis and back issues. She has had injections, everything short of surgery. Both this product and the seat cushion help very well to alleviate her pain while sleeping or sitting. She refuses to take pain meds, so any bit of relief for her is a big deal. Thank you!!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago