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TRAKK Cervical Traction Device Reviews

3.8 Rating 86 Reviews
I sit at a computer desk 10 hours a day. This is a life saver for me. I will take a break during the day and lay on this to stretch out my neck and then once again before going to bed. I would occasionally have tingling sensations in my upper back because of my poor posture and this has made those go away!
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Posted 4 years ago
Verified Reviewer
Not enough pain relief given from it to outweigh its discomfort, unfortunately.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have been unable to go to my chiropractor due to a breast cancer diagnosis for the last 2 years. Finally decided to try something to help with the flare ups from herniated c5-c7 discs. This has given me great relief and has significantly lessend my flare ups. I use it once a day for 20 min.
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Posted 4 years ago
For years, maybe decades, I have had a painful knot at the base of my neck, between neck and right shoulder. Heat would sometimes help but it would never go away. Probably from using a computer all day and sitting with a phone or book all night. This neck stretcher really works on that knot! I can feel it deeply stretching my neck and shoulders out. And that stretch feels great! The first night I used it, I woke up with less neck shoulder pain than ever. Definitely recommend.
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Posted 4 years ago
Easy to store
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Posted 4 years ago
Verified Reviewer
While playing a game of pool for the first time in many years, I found myself struggling to look up enough to see across the table while leaning over to shoot. The top of my spine had curved into a small hump that was forcing my neck and head down. It was pretty scary, so I started working on correcting my posture. Most of the other posture aids I saw wouldn't help my particular issue - the top of the spine. I don't think this stretcher is uncomfortable to lie on, but I have been rolling on a foam roller for years, only with nowhere near the result. By lifting my butt off the ground, I use my body weight to create a "rolling on a tennis ball" type of pressure that really loosens up the knotted muscles surrounding the top of the spine. I used to say that this area was where I carried all of my anxiety and I suffered from a lot of tension headaches. Turns out it was my spine was slowly curving into a pretzel that had my neck all locked up. All of that tension is gone, the hump has disappeared and although it will probably always want to curve, daily use of the neck stretcher seems to be solving the problem. My increased range of motion has been nothing short of astounding.
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Posted 4 years ago
The round things that stick out of it don't feel good on my back. Overall the product seems to be working and is helping with my posture by stretching out my neck and shoulders.
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Posted 4 years ago
This product is built solid.. I have disk issues in top and bottom of my neck.. this thing hurt me really bad.. but for a person with no neck issues it would stretch you out really good. And all you do is lay on it..
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Posted 4 years ago