“I was seriously injured in Afghanistan a few years ago. I broke my back and shattered my right leg/foot/ankle and have been in pain for years. I have a closet full of foam rollers, massage balls, yoga wheels, exercise balls, tens units, other kinds of massage tools and have gone to hundreds of hours of physical therapy and this thing helps my pain more than any other device I have used. Combined with the other tools it truly has been life changing for me. I have not used any other brands but it looks like they are all about the same (maybe Rolling With It sells branded ones to other companies??). Saying Rolling With It's is the least expensive and comes with an amazing warranty I don't really see a reason to buy a different one. I show this to all my friends in the yoga/physical therapy/massage/personal trainer communities and I think about 90% have bought one.”
“I have frequent lower back pain from a sports injury. I also have frequent shoulder and neck pain from working a desk job and sitting with poor posture. To combat the back pain, I've tried nearly everything - physical”
“I frequent suffer from delayed onset muscle soreness from my leg day programs. A foam roll and some heat is what I've been doing in the past to combat this. The rolling with it massage ball however brings my rolling t”
“This really helps with my lower back. I usually place it behind my back as I work at my desk to reduce my back pain. It feels really good. It is easy to use and easy to hold. The vibration is really strong.”