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TRAKK Dome Reviews

4.1 Rating 1,079 Reviews
It does what it says it does but its very clear from the design its built with only women in mind. The placement of the feet forces you to keep your legs very close together, you cant spread them at all. Spreading even slightly puts uncomfortable pressure and rubbing along the ankles as they are pressed into the sides of the inner collar where your feet go.
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Posted 4 years ago
Nothing is as good as some talented Asian massaging the crap out of your feet while you're getting your nails did but for quarantine purposes it'll work.
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Posted 4 years ago
I love this! I bought it for my plantar fasciitis and it's helping a ton!
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Posted 4 years ago
I had to actually unplug the foot massager so that it wouldn't run so hot. For awhile I was figuring out why it's also so hot when using it as well. When you power on, the heat is on by default with the lights on, but that's the confusing part. Whoever programmed it had the switch backwards. So the light on the heat means it's off and when the light is off means that the heat is on.It's okay, but I would it for it to massage my heels more as well.I looked up reviews on top foot massagers before buying this as well. I am a bit disappointed as it still feels like other massages I've used. I was hoping for more air compression pressing on and around my feet more.Update: I'm bumping the rating to a 4 star because Renpho got back to me concerning the massager. Their customer service is excellent I felt that my concerns were heard through the review. This encourages me as a buyer to give Renpho another look at their products should they come out with something else.
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Posted 4 years ago
I really like the Renpho Shiatsu Foot Massager. I have drop foot after a major back surgery and it massages the tips of my toes all the way back to my heads. I need circulation and movement of my feet and it works great for me. The pressure is sufficient and the heat feels soothing . It is not too heavy so I can move it with one hand. I am please with my purchase.
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Posted 4 years ago
I love this item. It really relieved the stress and my tiredy feet feel better. The down side only is this item doesn't comes the remote which is on the photo.
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Posted 4 years ago
This feels wonderful! I am so happy with this machine. I have terrible issues with swelling in my ankles and feet and this is starting to help. But it is also contributing to a better nights sleep. So relaxing.
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Posted 4 years ago
I suffer from planters fascists and have for over 2 years. This little machine does make my feet feel so good. I have only had it a couple of weeks, but happy feet so far. I ordered one for my daughter who is a nurse, she just got it yesterday. I had a question about the warranty and called the phone number on the manual and got my call back from customer service with the answer in 20 minutes. I hope as I continue to use this machine it works well.
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Posted 4 years ago