“It works, it feels great, the instructions guide you into not over-using it or misusing it, which is great. Of course the instructions are badly translated (chinese product perhaps?) and the construction is kind of shoddy (but stable!). The first three days of use I was pissed off about the STABBY SPIKES that for some reason are on this stretched (we didn't ask for "extra blood circulation", dammit!) but turns out the murder spikes are only uncomfortable on the flat level one! You get to level two within a few days unless you are extremely tense, and then the spikes feel fine. Would buy again, would recommend!”
“I have lots of back pain and have tried several things. This one helps to stretch adequately and substitutes other exercises in a very simple way, and it does it's work. But the surprise for me was when I put it in my working chair, the change was amazing; never tried a better back support for sitting in front of my computer.”
“It has helped me a lot with my back pain and back position!! I use it twice a day, when I wake up and before going to bed. I try to be laid on this stretcher for a couple of minutes and arrange it in the lower and upper back a few minutes per area.”
“I threw out my back and was in an incredible amount of pain if I tried to bend in any direction.This little thing was a lifesaver. I didn't want to spend hundreds to go to the dr. and get scans and then chiro/PT, so I gave this and a back brace a try in hopes that it would make the pain manageable. It ABSOLUTELY worked and now my back pain is less than what it was before it completely gave out!Assembly does require some force after the first notch. The highest notch was pretty difficult the first few times I switched it, but I'm also 5'2", so that setting just made me feel like I was almost doing a complete back bend, but seemed okay for my 6' partner. I alternate between the lowest and middle notch.The spikes on it is not painful at all and provides some needed pressure. I think you can put in on your chair and use it that way. I've just been putting it on the floor and laying on it for 5-10 minutes at the beginning and end of the day.The first time I used it, my back cracked in about 12 different places which kind of scared the crap out of me but I immediately felt so much better. I'm honestly in love with this thing and I'm pretty picky and have commitment issues. And yes- that's absolutely ridiculous because it's literally just two pieces of plastic. Now just be mindful that I never found out why my back gave out so will this be as life changing for you as it was for me? I sure as heck can't tell you, but if my 2 cents are worth anything, I'd say it's worth a try.(I'm 100% not saying that this is an alternative to professional medical care and do not follow the example of someone who makes questionable decisions about her health)”
“I have had this back stretcher for 2 days now and used it for only 5 minutes here or there. Pain I have had for years has gone away and I'm able to stretch easier and looser than I have in a long while. I went kayaking yesterday for five miles and noticed better posture naturally and without pain there and while driving. I have slept better in bed with less hip pain. I know it is still early, but I'm pretty convinced this thing works, especially since I have significantly improved range of motion and looseness. I'll update in a few months so see if it still works as good.As far as using it, it feels like it's not doing much when you're on it, depending up how high you have the arch. At most extreme, it feels like an intense stretch. Start slow with the bent knee stretch as shown and you can work your way up to the more intense stretches. Be careful getting off and do so as per the diagram so you don't strain yourself and undo the work of laying on the arch. After my first time using it, I felt instant relief when I got up and have not had the crazy pain from before come back since. I'm going to keep using it, even though I don't even feel like I need to that often. Especially for the price, I highly recommend this thing. It has done with orthos, chiros and medicine could not!”