“Used for cold juice for our young guests. Straw locking top safely protected my carpets from oopsies! The kids loved the "sugar rush" tye dye colors! Dishwasher safe! We then used them to hold leftover treats in our fridge. Love 'em!”
“I ordered several of the Sililpint cups for my family for Christmas...like almost 50 of them! I love the cups, but I wrapped & sent them all over the country. It would have been great to have a small card to put inside each of the cups explaining all of their greatness...Can be FROZEN, MICROWAVEABLE & DISHWASHER SAFE! I wrote out my own for a couple of them, but had to tell everyone else. It would be a nice addition when giving the cups as a gift.”
“Grandkids love these! Even if left in the yard they wash up fine. They have even hit them with bikes and they are fine. The survive rambunctious grandkids!!”