“Before starting these, I was in the pandemic funk, just kinda "sloth-ing" :u1F9A5: my way through life. I noticed a difference in the first week and keep saying to myself WOW!! I feel so much better, more efficient, and truly I noticed in smiling more, worrying less. To me that's the WIN”
“I suffer from tight hips and overall inflammation, I’ve been having trouble falling asleep and getting comfortable. I took two of these before bed the first night and I was pain free, slept like a baby! I am hooked and I haven’t felt relief like this in a very long time !”
“Still working with these....arthritis in my thumbs... But given I have had so much success with the other products, I have high hopes for the relief capsules.”
“I really love the tincture and feel a difference very quickly with it. I thought I would give the capsules a try because I mostly use CBD for muscle pain. I don't really notice a difference using the capsules and I feel a little heartburn afterwards which I don't enjoy.”