“I have chronic knee pain and erratic sleep. I have been using my Soul CBD oil for almost a year and my sleep is sound and my knee pain is 75% better. I can not live with out it!”
“Definitely helped with my anxiety. I feel like these drops give me energy instead of make me sleepy though. All in all I would totally purchase again.”
“I bought this for my ten-year-old granddaughter who suffers with anxiety since using this she's been able to sleep and she's been calm she loves it and she loves the taste! I will definitely keep buying it but she just needs a small amount with the 500 count thank you so much for this wonderful product!:u1F90D:”
“I recently went off birth control and also stopped taking my antidepressants. I know this is different for each person, but for me, it was time to try a different route. I've tried other CBD brands, and I don't have anything bad to say-but they didn't help. I didn't FEEL a difference in my day, in my body. Soul CBD has made me feel like my natural self again and I am BEYOND grateful!!”
“Just a small drop makes a LARGE different. Takes the edge off when I am overwhelmed or I can feel my chest tightening up. Instant relief with a yummy bonus!”
“As someone with an autoimmune condition (I have ankylosing spondylistis) I'm always looking to something that will help with stress and inflammation naturally! I didn't think CBD was for me because I've tried it before and the taste put me off. But when I heard Mike had the same condition as me I needed to try again. And THANK THE UNIVERSE I DID!!
The oil tastes DIVINE and I've not been feeling my little aches since I've been taking it for the past couple of weeks - my mind is blown. I'm So So excited to add CBD to my daily life and way to manage my stress and inflammation!! Thank you!!”