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Minuendo adjustable earplugs Reviews

4.5 Rating 181 Reviews
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I have not had a chance to use them with concert volumes yet, but have played with them with a home system turned up louder that can listen to it. Volume adjustment did make a difference and I heard pretty much full spectrum sound. Other 'musician" ear plugs I have put in a little tunnel sound. These definitely are better.
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Posted 3 years ago
These earplugs function as advertised, i.e., provide a range of protection.
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Posted 3 years ago
Very handy and convenient. I have a pair of active, battery powered earplugs too (non minuendo), and while they are good, they suffer from wind noise due to the limitations of the mics, and sometimes battery life, or charging can be an issue when the plugs don't slot themselves securely in the charging unit (it happens over time). None of that is an issue with the Minuendos, and they are more versatile with "level" slides rather than toggling between 2 or 3 options with battery powered units. You get a much more organic sound too, thanks to the fact that it isn't an interpretation of sound from inbuilt mics. The only limitation with these is the quality of your own hearing... what's left of it. I use these moreso in the workplace due to extreme high end noises (railway environment). I have also used these within a motorcycle helmet while riding. They fit fairly well without any pain or discomfort, but depending on how extreme the volume is of said motorcycle, the squishing of your ears by the helmet can sometimes allow a tiny gap to form around these plugs... this is entirely dependent on how firm a fit your helmet is.
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Posted 3 years ago
I love these!! I use these when doing lights for bands. I work with lots of bands in bars and other venues where it’s tough to get away from loud sounds. These are incredibly amazing! ❤️
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Posted 3 years ago
Very happy w sound dampening of earplugs plus sound quality while playing drums
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Posted 3 years ago
They work as advertised. As always with great hearing protection the key is the fit. With SO many tip options to choose from, you are all but guaranteed a great deal and acoustic happiness. The adjustable attenuation works as advertised and is flat across the advertised range to my ears. It’s great not having to change out filters or have multiple set of earplugs for different conditions. Definitely would recommend for musicians or concert goers looking for quality with flexibility without emptying your bank account.
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Posted 3 years ago
These are adjustable, yes, but even at their most close position, do not cut out as much sound as I would like. For example, When I put them in, and set them to the most closed position, I can still hear the sound of my dog’s toenail hitting the kitchen floor, as they walk. This is not much db change. I did wear them while playing a Mannheim Steamroller concert recently, and I could hear well enough to play, but didn’t feel real protected.
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Posted 3 years ago
Not perfect, but work great! They would be perfect with more variation in the L/H volume. I bought them for my husband for Christmas. He had the opportunity to use them at a friend’s house, recently, to filter out music while we played a game. They were extremely helpful.
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Posted 3 years ago