“They do work amazingly well and offer great protection, however they do feel a bit cheap for the price. I’d prefer if they were made from a stronger material.”
“Surprisingly good earplugs! Remembering the old fashioned foam earplugs i was surprised by the sound and clarity these earplugs can provide with their membrane based noise reduction filtering.”
“Reheasred for quite a long time without earplugs and by the end of rehearsals and gigs I found I could only hear certain frequencies.. so I was definitely in need of some ear protection. I tried a couple of different brands but used to lose certain frequencies from the mix. Other earplugs just muffled everything, either too much low and not enough high frequenices or my ears would still hurt after practice. I immediately found that minuendo reduced the sound but without compromising the quality that I hear… all the frequencies get through in a really nice blend. The abiltiy to adjust the volume as well means that even if we're playing quiet I can adjust and still get a really top quality sound”