“Bought for my daughter who struggles with a severe anxiety disorder. She added this to her other smokeables and said this product really improved her relaxation”
“The kief, for experienced herb consumers (like me) is a tremendous complement to garnish my meds! For beginners to CBD, (or those who strictly use no THC) it is by far the more potent, as compared to lifter. The aroma and draw is amazing when using my dry her vape.
My order arrived prior to the initital scheduled delivery time... AND to top it off, the folks at Sunset Lake gave me lovely (Bernie) stickers to go on my carrying case! I will most certainly be ordering this product again.
Oh and I nearly forgot to mention! My wife, LOVES, the gummies! She uses them in the evening time for her chronic migraines and the results have been noticeable to her, withing 2-3 days of use.”
“Excellent details really show that Sunset Lake CBD really care about customers. The details in the packaging, the COA’s and the packaging are definitely on point. Will purchase again”
“This is really nice to sprinkle in with herb! Can't say I've noticed any cherry flavor, but it has a pleasant smooth-tangy taste, and leaves me feeling mellow and clear-headed. Good stuff, highly recommended!”