“I have a hard time relaxing and falling asleep at night. i lay there for hours a million thoughts running thru my brain. usually don't fall asleep till between 4 - 6 am and wake up between 9 or 10 am, without fail every night. thought the sauce might help. Used it for a couple weeks ....no help but it tasted ok lol.”
Hey Eric, sorry to hear about the sleep troubles. I'd recommend trying out our CBD products that contain some melatonin. We carry gummies and a tincture. These might help you more than the Special Sauce!
T.J. & Sunset Lake
“Special Sauce is one of the two strains that my 65-year old mother and I enjoy on a weekly basis (the other being Lifter, which she adores). Unfortunately, our stash of the stuff just ran out. I decided to order some from Sunset Lake CBD and holy @#$, it did NOT disappoint. Mom was jazzed with her mother's day gift and we thoroughly enjoyed the flower! The smoke is super tasty and the effects are stellar! Thanks for helping my mom have the best and most chill Mothers Day, Sunset Lake!!”
Thanks for buying your mom some flower, Christopher! That's one heck of a good gift.
And thank you for your great review! Enjoy the rest of the flower.
T.J. & Sunset Lake
“My husband and I have tried many of the flowers, keifs and smalls and Hawaiian Haze and Lifter are particular faves. Cherry is perfect before bedtime but nothing is as wonderful as this Special Sauce. It's the tallest flower in the crop. We appreciate the Sunset Lake family and the Majoruty Report podcast Gang for introducing us to CeBeDe therapy.”