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Max Clinical DRIBOOST® Antiperspirant Wipes - 1 Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,942 Reviews
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About SweatBlock:

SweatBlock is a trade-secret antiperspirant formula pre-soaked on a soft towelette. Specifically designed to stop excessive sweating and reduce irritation for up to 7 days per use, SweatBlock is strong against sweat even when other antiperspirants have let you down.<br /> <br /> Stay dry and comfortable guaranteed!<br /> Wear any color or fabric - worry free<br /> Save your shirts and your pride<br /> Apply every 7 days or as needed

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I suffer from anxiety and live in Miami so you can only imagine the problem I had. Sweatblock has transformed my life. It helps me from overproduction of sweat, embarrassing odor, extended the life of my clothes and given me back confidence in any social or work related position. I use this about every 4 or 5 nights, depending on the time of month cycle, and I don't need to wear antiperspirant or other talc powders like I used to. Truly the best product in my medicine cabinet.
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Posted 7 years ago
I bought the underarm antiperspirant and it truly has worked for me. I had lost so much confidence in myself becuase of my uncontrollable armpit sweating. It was so embarrassing and I didn't want to be seen in public. Now that I have your product it has changed me and I can feel confident around other people. Thank you so much. It works great!
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Posted 7 years ago
Working in the sales industry nothing is worse than presenting to clients and being acutely aware of having to keep my arms down to avoid the embarrassment and odor that came with my excessive sweating, this product had been a godsend! It has improved my confidence massively. I can wear what I like, even socially in summer I can break out the grey t-shirts without a worry. I usually achieve min 3 days effectiveness but sometimes up to a week, I do recommend between 30-45 seconds application per under arm however as the shorter exposure time recommended to me did not work as well. I honestly could not be happier with this product. Thank you SweatBlock!
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Posted 7 years ago
Before sweatblock I was constantly miserable with stained underarms. I ruined shirts and had to shop for new ones monthly. Now that I use sweatblock regularly I’m always comfortable and sweat free. I have probably saved more money by buying sweat block with the money I save not buying new shirts all the time.
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Posted 7 years ago
This Product works!! I never really doubted it. Just the Reviews alone helped me to believe in it. I have Excessive Sweating. This ruined my life honestly. I would always wear dark clothes especially black. I own mostly black shirts. There are alot of things that trigger my sweating... Anxiety is the biggest. I suffer from that. When I apply SweatBlock, i can feel my body trying to sweat. But I dont! So now i dont think about sweating anymore when I apply it. The only small problem i face is that it itches after the first day of applying it. But its not a bad itch. Everyones different. After the oneday theres no more itching. And im sad that my sweating stops only for like 5 days. Sometimes its 6 days of no sweating. On the brightside. Im happy. Thats enough for me. I am confident to hug people now. Overall im Confident. And it really help my lifestyle. Great Product!! And I truly recommend it to anyone. Maybe you guys can work on a lobger term one, say a month of no sweating after one use... that would be amazing. Thank You SweatBlock. You have changed my life in many different ways.
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Posted 7 years ago
I always wore dark colored tops or cardigans over light colored shirts to cover the sweat stains. Got so tired of having to throw away so many shirts due to sweat stains that would not come off and spent so much money on numerous deodorants that never seemed to work well for me. Heard about this product and decided to order. I couldn’t be happier. I can now wear light colored shirts with out the embarrassment. I highly recommend this product
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Posted 7 years ago
This product is amazing. I have hyperhydrosis my whole life and cannot afford injections to stop it. When I'm in front of clients or stressed it's like Niagra Falls under my arms. This is so easy to do and smells very nice too. I highly recommend to anyone who suffers with embarrassing sweaty moments like I do. You will not be disappointed.
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Posted 7 years ago
It works!! That simple!!
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Posted 7 years ago