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Max Clinical DRIBOOST® Antiperspirant Wipes - 1 Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,942 Reviews
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About SweatBlock:

SweatBlock is a trade-secret antiperspirant formula pre-soaked on a soft towelette. Specifically designed to stop excessive sweating and reduce irritation for up to 7 days per use, SweatBlock is strong against sweat even when other antiperspirants have let you down.<br /> <br /> Stay dry and comfortable guaranteed!<br /> Wear any color or fabric - worry free<br /> Save your shirts and your pride<br /> Apply every 7 days or as needed

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I’ve had hyperhidrosis my whole life and my arm pits have always been a huge area of concern. I couldn’t wear shirts I wanted because I would be embarrassed about the sweat marks. I’ve tried so many different products but hadn’t found anything that actually gets the sweat to stop. One day I came across Sweat Block from a hyperhidrosis thread and was a little weary but decided to give it a try. And I’m so glad I did! This stuff really works! I finally feel confident about my under arms and I have NEVER been before. Highly recommend!!!
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Posted 7 years ago
First product to ever work on me. The only thing to ever come close was another unnamed product that you used daily at night, but it burned my skin. I haven't had any problems with Sweat Block. I wore a silk blouse (a no no for me in the past) on day 5 and got a little moist, but no complaints about body odor from hubby when I got home.
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Posted 7 years ago
This product is going to be my lifetime product for use I recommend this for everybody it is changed my life sweating is a horrible horrible complex just makes you feel icky and when I try sweatblock and it worked my confidence boost way back up
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Posted 7 years ago
I have been covering myself in long sleeves, dark colors, and concealing patterns for so long. I have tried numerous anti-perspirant products and even some at-home remedies....to no avail. I purchased Sweat Block last week and applied my first packet on Friday. The product smells quite strongly of clove and is rather pleasant. The tingling sensation was somewhat irritating b The packaging and application is discreet and clean.
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Posted 7 years ago
I have always struggled to find a product that would stop the sweating... I was always forced to buy black or white clothing trying to hide the excessive sweating issue I was dealing with as a girl it was so embarrassing this product is a life changer I would recommend this to anyone I am now able to wear whatever I want not just what will hopefully not show the sweat stains! I promise this really works!
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Posted 7 years ago
I can honestly say that Sweat Block works, so many other products that I've tried simply did not perform as advertised. After three months, I've very happy! Thanks Sweat Block.
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Posted 7 years ago
I was so frustrated Because of the swearing I had to change 4-5 t-shirts a day. But thanks to this amazing sweatblock my Excessive sweat stopped... н Ѕн№Џ
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Posted 7 years ago
This amazing product should be available everywhere in all countries around the world. Surely the best antiperspirant I have ever tried.
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Posted 7 years ago