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Max Clinical DRIBOOST® Antiperspirant Wipes - 1 Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,942 Reviews
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About SweatBlock:

SweatBlock is a trade-secret antiperspirant formula pre-soaked on a soft towelette. Specifically designed to stop excessive sweating and reduce irritation for up to 7 days per use, SweatBlock is strong against sweat even when other antiperspirants have let you down.<br /> <br /> Stay dry and comfortable guaranteed!<br /> Wear any color or fabric - worry free<br /> Save your shirts and your pride<br /> Apply every 7 days or as needed

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I’ve had this problem for a while and since I started using sweat block I feel more confident about myself , it helped me a lot even in a work environment. Highly recommended
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Posted 7 years ago
Before Sweatblock I would sweat through shirts and it was so embarrassing always having pit stains. Now I don't have to worry about it. It lasts about a week for me and even towards the end of the week my sweating is reduced significantly.
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Posted 7 years ago
I fell in love with sweat block a few years ago. I seem to swear a lot no matter how much which brand of deordorant. I have tried just about everything but nothing seem to work. It all changed when I did a research on the internet, discovered this product and it really works. Just be sure to use it at night before bed,as instructed . It worked better when I followed instructions. So yes I will recommend this product.
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Posted 7 years ago
I was skeptical about this product. I read several reviews and decided to give it a try. This product does work I wish the packets had 10 to 15 towelettes inside. I will continue to purchase!
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Posted 7 years ago
3 years ago I was headed to a business trip in south florida, and I was freaking out because I knew that I was going to sweat through my dress shirt in the first hour on the job. I looked online and found a number of options -- and I ordered a bunch of them, hoping but not really thinking it would help. I ordered sticky pads to put in my shirt, super advanced antiperspirant sticks, and sweat block. The first application of the sweat block had me up and down a bit that night with itching in my arm pits, but the next day at work, for the first time in my life I didn't sweat. Not one drop. It was unreal. Since that very first day I have not gone a single day without it. I put it on before bed every wednesday night, and I don't sweat, ever. I don't get the itchies anymore, so it has become the perfect product -- I cannot stress enough how well this actually worked. It's like a miracle. I pat it on gently, go to bed, and then I don't sweat - AT ALL - from my armpits, for a week. Period.
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Posted 7 years ago
Sweat block has given me my life back! I have always been plagued with excessive sweating and it has prevented me from enjoying many situations. I just accepted a new job in sales and I know I need to be confident. Sweat block allows me to do my job without worrying. Thank you!
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Posted 7 years ago
My mom got me Sweat Block from Groupon a couple of years ago because she knows I've always had sweating issues. It's seriously one of the best gifts she's ever given me. I've never used any product that works as good as this. I always keep it in stock at my house. I cannot live without it!
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Posted 7 years ago
Before I started using sweat block my armpits would sweat and ruin my shirts I would go so far as to putting extra shirts in my purse, but since I started using sweat block my shirts are completely dry! No wet marks at all I feel sexy and confident again I can even wear a shirt for days in a row without smelling like sweat. If u are a person that sweats a lot sweat block will be great for u. Bring your sexy back sweat block is better than all deodorants, its a must have.
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Posted 7 years ago