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Max Clinical DRIBOOST® Antiperspirant Wipes - 1 Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,942 Reviews
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About SweatBlock:

SweatBlock is a trade-secret antiperspirant formula pre-soaked on a soft towelette. Specifically designed to stop excessive sweating and reduce irritation for up to 7 days per use, SweatBlock is strong against sweat even when other antiperspirants have let you down.<br /> <br /> Stay dry and comfortable guaranteed!<br /> Wear any color or fabric - worry free<br /> Save your shirts and your pride<br /> Apply every 7 days or as needed

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I have severe anxiety that causes me to sweat even in the coldest climate. It's so embarrassing and even caused me to avoid so many opportunities in my life. Out of desperation I decided to give this product a try and I'm so glad I did!! I will admit when I looked the product it looks so gimmicky and sounded like a complete scam but the reviews were great so I ordered a pack and gave them a try. I applied as directed on my under arms and on my forehead ( i sweat here a lot ). The next morning I went on a 5 mile walk in the warm SUN and I cannot believe that I was COMPLETELY DRY in the places I applied this product! Everywhere else was sweating a bit but my armpits and forehead were completely dry I could;t believe it and I'm so happy with the results! This product is literally a good send, though i am concerned if this is healthy or safe for the skin?? As of right now I'm just so happy it worked. Side note: There is a bit of tingling and itching when applying it the night of but nothing unbearable. It also has a strong scent of cloves and spices which is fine, I've used products that smelt way weirder than this. Also I think it's strange how each packet kind of looks like a XXL c*ndom, but could care less since it works!!! TL;DR - IT WORKS!
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Posted 7 years ago
I recently began sweating a lot more. I'm crazy about smells and kept having to change deotorants until I came across sweat block! Couldn't ask for a better product.
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Posted 7 years ago
I ordered the SweatBlock in hopes of getting some relief with excessive sweating. I feel like the older I get the more I perspire! It is embarrassing to say the least! It only took one application and I was sold!!! Thank you for a great product. I will be a returning costumer for sure!!
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Posted 7 years ago
Bought this for my son after trying out different deodorantst that didn't help. He used the SweatBlock twice so far and it helped wonders
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Posted 7 years ago
Awesome my son tried it first and liked it so I did love it no more wet spots on my clothes can wear rayon and silk now, highly satisfied!!! !
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Posted 7 years ago
I couldn't believe how fast SweatBlock work. I was unusual for me to not ruin a shirt. Now I can wear anything and feel confident and comfortable again. Absolutely love SweatBlock
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Posted 7 years ago
I was a little hesitant at first but I tried it, and I couldnt be any happier with the results
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Posted 7 years ago
I have three girls and one boy; then two granddaughters. My youngest takes the time to look her best, but the sweaty armpits took over. I asked our doctor what to use. She did not know, as the product we used for her sister irritated the youngests skin. What is a mother to do?????? GOOGLE IT! I did and this is how we came upon the Sweat Block. It is amazing. My little fashionista's look is complete. I will pass some on to our granddaughter since she sweats like a 'sailor in the south seas'.
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Posted 7 years ago