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Max Clinical DRIBOOST® Antiperspirant Wipes - 1 Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,942 Reviews

About SweatBlock:

SweatBlock is a trade-secret antiperspirant formula pre-soaked on a soft towelette. Specifically designed to stop excessive sweating and reduce irritation for up to 7 days per use, SweatBlock is strong against sweat even when other antiperspirants have let you down.<br /> <br /> Stay dry and comfortable guaranteed!<br /> Wear any color or fabric - worry free<br /> Save your shirts and your pride<br /> Apply every 7 days or as needed

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Almost on a weekly basis, I was buying a different antiperspirant, hoping it would solve my pit stains at the end of my workday. I never found a solution. Finally I googled to try and find other solutions online and that is when I discovered Sweat Block! After two applications for the first two days, I was elated to have finally found a solution and product that lived up to what it claims! I can go 5-6 days before reapplying. From big presentations at work to wearing a colored t-shirt on a 90 degree day, I have not had issues.
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Posted 7 years ago
I am 18 yr old male. You name it I tried it: powders/sprays/creams never worked.. finally I came across sweatblock and it saved me. I work in a yard and use to sweat in my eyes and down my face all day. No more:)
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Posted 7 years ago
I am so excited to find something that reduces my sweat! I do theater and it is so embarrassing to see sweat when I am performing, but now there is nothing!! And I only have to wear one tee shirt a day rather than two or more!! I can't believe it really works! If you are less confident because of your sweating, get this and you will feel great!
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Posted 7 years ago
Excessive sweating was a real problem...but not any more. When applied properly, this product really does keep sweat from being a daily nuisance.
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Posted 7 years ago
I absolutely Ś_Ű_ľĎÜ•Ŕ_ Sweatblock and am so glad I found it. I wish this would have been something I had in my teens. Oh the embarrassment of having sweaty pits and a sweaty face. I always would wear black so my wet pits weren't so noticeable. Now that I found sweatblock, I dont have to worry about that. I think how well it works on my face is my favorite thing. My pits I could semi hide. But my face it was out there for everyone to see. Can you imagine people thinking you are lying because you are profusely sweating on your face? I highly recommend it this product and will be a life customer! Thanks Sweatblock!
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Posted 7 years ago
Before I used this product, I tried anything and was considering botox to stop my sweat. After using Sweat Block, instantly I noticed a difference. I have now gained confidence and I am no longer conscious or worried if I am sweating unlike before.
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Posted 7 years ago
I have tried everything I mean everything to even looking into cosmetic surgery to stop my sweat. I found my self always wearing blacks and dark navy's to hide my sweat. So I said let me try this product what's the worst that could happen. I tell you I all most cried from seeing my sweat literally stop and being able to wear light colors and grey shirts again was amazing. Trimming the hair under your arms does help with this product I didn't shave I just trimmed it. So please if your struggling with sweating and feeling you can't be yourself and hiding in dark colors give this product a try.
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Posted 7 years ago
Works as they say it does. I generally apply it every week and I see very little sweat, if any. Much more effective than other antiperspirants/deodorants.
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Posted 7 years ago