“The spotter mirrors were simple to replace on the 2023 TRD sport. (10 mins for both) I used my fingers to pry the OEM mirrors off and just poped in the new mirrors with relative ease. The product works great. I am happy with the purchase knowing that my son has better awareness becuase we inserted this product.”
“Mirrors are awesome, and installation was a breeze! Not going to lie though, removal of the OEM mirrors gave me anxiety! They do not come off easy, and the entire time I felt like I was going to break the housing, the glass, or something else. Elbow grease, the right tools, and faith that your truck is going to hold up is a definite must if you're going to DIY.”
“Easily one of the best upgrades you could to your Tacoma, they take a few days to get used to but once you do there’s no going back. You will not regret this purchase.”
“Easily the best investment I've made for the Tacoma yet. Gets rid of the blindspot and makes parking a breeze. I wish Toyota had these from the factory!”