“look,feel and power is great but parts are harder to come by (for now). accuracy is a little less then you want as a sniper (but it is a gel blaster not airsoft) but I was able to put a hop up on it that has greatly increased. Now I am at the stage of finding what gel balls are best so far the alpha kings have been braking only 5% of the time and are best so far. as the titan 2.0 brake about 30% of the time but have learnt not to grow them out for as long about 2hr30min intead of the full 4 hours but all in all great blaster. But so I have learnt not an easy beginer blaster. I have had a very large learning curve with it. But if it is the way you want to go then do it and learn as you go like I am and if you are lucky you will have a seasoned hand show you some tip & tricks along the way which has helped me (like I only learnt not to grow out the gels as far for this blaster yesterday by an old hand and it has made a big diferance) helpfully this helps you understand what you are in for but it is worth it if you don't give up.”