“This rifle is simply awesome. I have a real tactical rifle in the same colour scheme and putting this next to it , it’s hard to tell which is real. Quality of the build if phenomenal. I put some cheap gels through it and it’s got power and accuracy to back its looks. Can’t wait to get my Titan 2.0 to really test it out!”
“This thing is great quality and compared to its predecessors has a lot more to be desired in terms of the quality and looks (nothing wrong with the AWM and Swift Hawk though). The main issue like the older blasters are the gels overfeeding or jamming up. This can be fixed by changing the spring in the magazine to something a bit more stubborn just to avoid pressing the button that pushes the gels into it for too long. Second issues I had with mine is one of the barrels was not glued in properly and was causing a lot of gels to mash which I fixed by glueing it in. It's definitely not as easy to take apart as the older JY models but it certainly is a better build and the upgraded spring it comes with means you're shooting 300+ no worries.
4 stars because of the out of the box issues, but once they are fixed it's a 5 star blaster for sure.”
“Gday all, this is my review on the new MSR first of all Damn ! opened the box and was seriously impressed with what i saw and it just kept getting better ! After picking it up and finding that theres quite a bit of weight to this one that adds to the hole packege i went through the basic set up of the new toy as anyone would, the stock is fantastic and can be set up just the way you want it, the build quality on this thing is insane ! no flex or daggy moulding lines, its sharp as a razor ! and looks and feels like one too, again seriously impressed! now for the fun part, loaded up the first magazine and set up the target at 15 meters, holy s##t 8 gels hit within the size of a 20 cent coin !!!!!!! reset the target to 20 meters and again all gels hit within around 5 cm sqare area !!!!!! In short this thing is dead accurate! !!!! Keep in mind this is open sight ! NO SCOPE ! all in all this has just become my new favorite blaster ! It not only looks and feels nothing short of awesome! It absolutely packs a puch and shoots better than any blaster I've see or already have! and i have a fair few ! To all the crew at TacToys big thank you, i could not be happier with this toy, Christmas come early this year lol , cant wait to start doing some custom fittings and some extras, to the gel blaster community this thing is an absolute winner i dare anyone to tell me otherwise!”