“NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WAS I GOING TO DO ANY SORT OF SLEEP TRAINING. Our baby girl was born a great sleeper (woke up twice to eat every night at 1am & 4am then slept until 8am) and we thrived for 4 months. Then we got slapped with the 4 month sleep regression and I though we might all deteriorate from lack of sleep. For 6 weeks she was up every two hours on the dot every night. My husband and I were barely surviving and at each other's throats. Baby E was crying and eating all night long and it was a nightmare. I finally hit rock bottom and bought Cara's course and it CHANGED OUR LIVES. I still am in shock that it worked. Our 6 month old now sleeps from 7pm to 6am every night. It's incredible.
A few things about our journey:
1. The first night was VERY hard. She cried, I cried. It took an hour (with me checking in every 5, 10, 15 min) for her to finally fall asleep on her own but then she did an 8 hour stretch that night! Each night after got better. She'd fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
2. We went out of town and stayed in a hotel 5 days after starting and she still did great! We put her port-a-crib in the closet and she slept through the night. Cara has a video for that and any other adjustments you need to make so that was very helpful (binkies, travel, teething, sick, everything you can think of that comes up with babies).
3. Cara is fantastic at making sure you feel like you are a good mom and it's okay if your baby cries a little bit. I really struggled with this -- I had rocked my baby to sleep every night and for every nap since her birth so it felt wrong to lay her down in the crib awake and not pick her up if she was crying. Cara's videos explain not only the emotional aspect of it but also the scientific studies behind it. Your baby will not have any attachment issues if you sleep train. Baby E sleeps great by herself and is so happy to see me every morning! I still rock her to sleep for some naps and she's a happy, well rested baby.
I wish I would have started the sleep training earlier and will absolutely be doing it with our next baby. If you are at rock bottom with lack of sleep and a grumpy baby, go with your gut but this may be exactly what you are looking for.”
“Our 5 month old was sleeping 7pm-7am after just a week of implementing this course. This was a great and easy transition from the newborn class. Sleeping through the night has been a game changer for our whole family. Thank you!”
“I’m so grateful to have found this program. My first baby was an excellent sleeper without any help. My second baby was not, and I didn’t have the tools to get her there. I felt like a first time mom, except I also had a toddler. Baby #2 was not a good nighttime sleeper or a good napper (often some naps were as short as 20-30 mins) and because she didn’t have a good sleep rhythm, she was constantly eating, ie 8 or so feeds during the daytime at 4.5 months. A girlfriend recommended this program to me and it saved us because it gave me the tools to assess my baby’s sleep, and to help guide her towards better and better sleep. It also helped me ween her off her nighttime feeds. Her sleep started to improve within a couple nights and it got better and better with each passing night. At the end of week one, she was sleeping through the night (12hrs) and had weened off all nighttime feeds, and 6wks later she has not slipped back. The best part about this program is that it never felt harsh, or cruel or heartbreaking…instead, I could see how my baby girl was learning and growing and once her sleep began to improve, personality really started to shine. Thank you Cara!”
“This course changed my life!! I swear by this for parents who are struggling with sleep training, Cara explains everything thoroughly and gives you the confidence you need. My daughter has been sleep trained for almost a year now and it’s all thanks to taking Cara babies!”
“This course changed our life. As a first time mom I was exhausted rocking my baby to sleep every single time and I didn’t know any better. It’d take long and she’d sleep short naps or stretches. We sleep trained at 7 months and wish we did it sooner! In a week her night and nap sleep got so much better and within two weeks she was sleeping through the night. I was ok with this gentle approach and I’m so glad I helped my daughter learn the skill of falling asleep. I was nervous about the night weaning but it really worked! We’re all better rested, happier, more engaged, fun people who learn and thrive during the day now. No more zombie parents, no more cranky baby! I would pay for this course over and over again; best money I ever spent!”
“I can’t recommend enough. My 11-month old was still waking between 3-5 times a night wanting to nurse and it was really taking a toll on all of us. I knew he needed more sleep and I definitely did! I was VERY skeptical because he seemed very stubborn and I knew I wouldn’t be comfortable with him screaming, but I’m not kidding when I say he slept through the night on night 3 of the program and has ever since. He’s a happier baby and mom and dad are much better versions of themselves! Thank you so much!”