“I have been winging for a few years and was looking for an upgrade on my board for light wind days (previously using the Cabrinha Code V1 98L - I am 85kgs). I wanted a board which was similar in volume and length with the foil box further forward on the board and more durable light weight than the code. So far very impressed with the glide v2 90L - easy takeoffs in light breeze (last session was 10 knots, with 5m wing, Armstrong HA1125 front wing and 220 glide tail), nice to pump and very responsive when up on the foil. The board is beautifully made and seems durable to everyday ware and tear.
I live in Bermuda so ended up shipping to a friend in the UK who brought the board back on a commercial flight. The standard packaging was too large for the airline requirements so I reached out to Takoon who were able to reduce the packaging in order to accommodate. Other interactions with the Takoon were very easy and quick - extremely good customer service!
I am overall very happy with the board and the purchasing experience and will definitely look to buy my next board from Takoon!”
“Enchanté de mon passage de la Glide V1 80l à la V2 70l.
Pesant 77kg et ayant eu avant une Comet SW 4'10, je désirai revenir à un peu plus court.
Elle est un peu moins stable que la 80l évidement mais l'adaptation se fait rapidement et sans problème.
Une fois qu'il y a assez de vent pour passer de la position "à genoux" à "debout", le départ en vol se fait pratiquement aussi facilement que sur la 80l.
Pas vu de grosse différence une fois que l'on a assez d'air pour se lever.
Après, en vol, la longueur et volume moindres sont appéciables.
Pour ma taille, (1,80) et mon poids je pense que je ne suis pas loin d'avoir trouver la planche idéale.
La seule chose que je pourrais lui reprocher, c'est que la "belle" a mis un peu plus de temps que prévue à quitter le soleil de Portugal.
Peut être victime de son succès ?”
“Glide v2 60L
Rider confirmé 78kg.
Utilisation upwind/downwind, vagues, strapless..
Après quelques mois à utiliser la glide v2, très content des performances de la planche. Très bonne glisse, bonne stabilité sur du plat et correct dans le clapot.
Bonne construction par rapport au poids et au prix.
Je recommande sans hésitation.”
“My second board to progress my advanced steps. Came down from 125l to 90l.
It is incredible how light it feels in water and how quick it releases from water and starts flying.
I learned how easy it is to pump it in low air conditions.
The design and color is really outstanding.
Using it with a Gong foil which perfectly fitted. Tried a Fanatic Carbon foil (78 fuselage) which was not the best fit as the box is too short for it at the back.
What could be improved is the deckpad. The interruptions in between the sections feel too big and gives not the best stand.
The board arrived with some small dents already in it. This was not that nice but it made no difference to the usage. While using it later on I got another many from my wing handles sometimes crashing on the board. So maybe the foam or expoxy layer could be a little stronger.
Takoon and myself found a very reasonable solution on the small delivery demage. And what I really liked is the personal contact and talk to them on it! That is why I decided to buy a board build in Europe.
I could also compare the board to same sized board from Fanatic. Sky Free 5,3 95l. In comparison, this board is a bit more stable in water but compared to the Takoon it feels like a tanker and is by far not as sporty as the Glide V2.
Definitely will consider again Takoon for my next choice of board and foil.”
“I bought a Glide V2 5'4 90L for my 82kg body in carbon clear. The quality is fantastic, it's very stable on the water and very stiff once flying on the foil. It weights only 6.5kg and feels very strong at the same time. Foot strap holes are positioned in the right place for me (184cm height) not too wide and not too narrow. It glides effortlessly and easy to pump even in 8 knots of wind. Foil tracks are 27cm long so you have plenty of space to adjust you foils and there are measurement marks to help with placements. I place my X-1250 to mark 3, XS-Glide 940 to mark 1 and HS-700 to mark 0.”