“Had to get use to loading the tape. Still do have it exactly right, but watch a YouTube video to get the treading right. Love the small size from my last tape dispenser.”
“I love my new ATG-50, I did have a little trouble getting it started but I think I have figured out how to keep the tape running smoothly. I will be purchasing more tape rolls from tape depot in the future. I have to thank spyrorocks346 on you tube for mentioning tape depot on her vlog for me finding your site.”
“When I initially went on the market for an ATG the first one that came up in my research was the pink scotch which I bought without really doing my homework. I expected it to perform the one thing it's designed to do period. It was incredibly frustrating and a waste of time to use a tape glider that does not stay within the rollers and requires playing around with paper shims and all kind of nonsense so the tape didnt derail, not to mention the money wasted on tape. This tape depot ATG is exactly what I was looking for, it does what i bought it for without a glitch, and the deal on tape refills is unbeatable.”
“I had been using "another" brand ATG gun for several years, until the trigger broke and my tape continued to backup on me...so in my search for a new gun, took the advise of a prominent crafter that I follow and could not be happier! Not only do I have a "stash" of tape (purchased the combo pack) but the gun is lighter and smaller than my previous gun but at the same time feels more solid. Looking forward to many years of companionship!”