Chocolate Cacao Husk Tea 50g - Small Reviews

4.8 Rating 92 Reviews
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About Tea Life:

Hello! My name's Toby and while I've always been a tea lover, I never really thought about the benefits and healing powers of herbal tea before a certain time in my life where I was going through some stress and anxiety.
This is a short story about my tea life.

I came across Valerian root tea and noticed one of the benefits listed was 'helping stress and anxiety' so I thought why not? It actually did help, and became my first go to solution for when I was feeling stressed.

Since then I have had to go back to that single shop to order it, as it's difficult to find. Sometimes it was sold out, sometimes I was too busy to make the trip, but overall I was just thinking 'why isn't this awesome drink more readily available'?

So I decided to do something about that. I researched the benefits of other herbal tea, as I was curious to see what else was out there and was astonished to learn just how useful and powerful they are. Over time, I realised they really are natures medicine.

This website has been designed to educate, and provide easy access across Australia to a huge range of Organic Herbal tea, free of pesticides and other impurities.

Apart from herbal tea, I have also stocked the best chai, exotic, and other health related blends I could find within Australia. If it's fresh, interesting and tastes great - I'll get it in.

Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or feedback you may have. I'd love to hear from you.

- Toby Gospodarczyk

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7/1 The Crescent

Reading through the reviews of the Cacao Chocolate Husk Tea I thought “well, maybe it’s vaguely chocolatey in taste, but these are the opinions of tea drinkers, not hard core chocolate drinkers such as me”. Still, curiosity saw me ordering the small 40g pack which arrived with other tea varieties I decided to sample. It’s been almost a fortnight since I received the Cacoa Tea and this morning I actually got around to opening the packet. I followed the suggestion about crushing the husks before steeping for 7 minutes and cautiously took a sip... Wow! Everything that other reviewers have posted is true! So here I am, back on the Tealife site, nursing my second cup of Cacao Tea and ordering the 160g packet...
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Hi Liz, wow thank you I love this review :) We're reallllly hoping to get the price down this year further. It's always a bit of a pricey tea but we'll do our best.
Posted 4 years ago
My morning pot of tea is now a heaped teaspoon of black tea and a spoonful of cacao chocolate tea. I have a cup with milk and honey and it tastes sweet and decadent. Love it.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Robyn thank you - that's a good combination and can imagine that would work well!
Posted 4 years ago
Delicious, and organic! I’m very pleased with my purchase.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Tracy, Thanks for your review! That's a good question and I'm still unsure why too! I'm trying to find out, along with trying to source this for a cheaper rate. The inside parts are called 'nibs' and really very very cheap when compared with the husk.
Posted 4 years ago
This turned out to be so nice that we immediately ordered more as Christmas presents for our far away kids. Its very tasty just black (as I have it) or with milk (oat) as my wife prefers. Rich and with a chocolate aftertaste that lingers very pleasantly.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Ian - you're right about the aftertaste as that's the first thing I commented on when I tried this chocolate husk tea for the first time also. It was difficult with customs to get the organic version of this tea in, but it's been so popular that we'll continue to have it up on Tea Life. We'll work on getting the price down a little too.
Posted 4 years ago
Tastes super chocolately and is totally guilt free. What more could you want!
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Alice, thank you! And we'll have to try to stay well stocked on this one for xmas too.
Posted 4 years ago
I love this tea a slight chili hit that sits at the back of your throat , doesn't loose it's flavour when it sits . I use a teapot infuser so I can have more than 1 cup, I will be buying it again. It is also good you use tracking for your products. Thank You.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Debbie, Thank you! This teas been way more popular than expected - so we're looking for ways to get our pricing down. Hopefully soon!
Posted 4 years ago
I've tried chocolate-flavoured black teas, and even some cacao husk tea from other suppliers. None have equalled the smooth, rich chocolate taste of this tea! It's delicious, with or without milk, and is now a 'must have' in my pantry. I love the fact it tastes so heavenly and is also a healthy option! Totally guilt free chocolate - life doesn't get better than that. :)
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Sue, thanks for your great review - always surprised at how popular this one has been!
Posted 4 years ago
Ditch the unwanted calories while enjoying this smooth chocolate tea. I was very skeptical but this is tasty stuff and gives that feeling of having a hot chocolate without the extra sugars. I love it!
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Posted 5 years ago