“Been drinking ONLY Barry's Classic Blend since spending four summers in Eire, Northern Ireland, & Scotland in the '80s. Yes, it's more expensive to drink imported tea, but well worth every penny. And very happy to have found TEADOG, shipping from Texas, as British Food Shop ships from California & is more expensive.”
“I am an engineer, so I am a person of regular, purposeful habits. I work hard to find the best choices for whatever I do and then stick with my plan. I have had 76 years to figure this out, so I definitely know what works for me. I have also been a very regular coffee and tea drinker, spending a bit more of my life drinking just coffee than what I have done for the last few decades - drink coffee one day and tea the next. Alternating seems to work best for both my enjoyment and my general health. My coffee or tea consumption is about 12 cups per day, so they cannot all be caffeinated. I mix my ground coffee 3 parts decaf to 1 part caf. I mix my tea 1:1. On tea days I make a large pot of tea with equal numbers of decaf and caf tea bags. I have probably provided more info than you want to know, but I wanted to establish that my tastes are for strong coffee and strong tea, generally consumed with some milk (plant-based, because I am a vegan). After years of searching for the tea that I enjoy the most, I settled on Irish tea, eventually narrowing my choice for a regular, daily tea to Barry's and Bewley's and purchased both from teadog.com. I had been drinking Trader Joe's caf and decaf Irish Breakfast, but they stopped selling the decaf version. After trying both Barry's and Bewley's for about 9 months, I found I liked Barry's better. I am now a happy camper. I plan to continue buying Barry's from teadog.com for as long as I can remember how to use a computer, which should be a while yet because people in my family tend to live to be about 100 and I am still biking 25 miles or more 3 or more times a week.”
“Love the strength and full-bodied flavor of Barrys teas. Classic and Gold are my two go-tos in the morning. Ex-coffee drinker and was very impressed by richness of the teas. Cant go wrong with a cuppa Barrys in the morning.”
“Barry's Classic Blend (a.k.a. Master Blend) has the hallmarks of African teas: a smooth tea with very little bitterness or astringency. I find it very pleasant, if not as strong or full-bodied as some other Kenya teas. Not quite the punch I'd like for breakfast, but very nice with desert after dinner.”