“Thompson's family of teas continues to impress me. My favorite hot tea is Irish Breakfast. My favorite iced tea is Punjana. This new Everyday tea is second to both ways in taste. It has a brisk, subtle high note lacking in the other two teas. I would gladly drink any of the three in either format. I'll stick with my original two favorites for the different purposes, but I am not at all disappointed in this new tea. I will gladly drink it, hot or cold, until it is gone. Who knowsit may supplant one of my old favorites.”
“This tea is a good one for sure, it tastes like the standard Punjana which is my daily tea perhaps a little stronger flavor but a nice change. I will be purchasing more just to mix up my daily cup. Punjana tea rules.”
“This is a great second option to my favorite Irish Breakfast tea. It is full bodied, and similar to the Irish Breakfast, al biet a little stronger. Very happy to have tried this tea, I may be buying more in the future when I run low.”