“I bought this bike to learn on, before doing DAS. I was really happy with this bike. Reasonably fast for a small bike. Fuel economy was excellent. It felt safe and secure on the road. I'm glad I went for this Honda the riding position suited me.”
“It's the perfect first bike and I love it. It's a good weight and it handles working hard. It's also great value for money as most people won't have them for long before they past their MOD 1 test.”
“Love my CBF its a great 1st bike. Looks stylish reaches 70mph on dual carriageway. Rides well and starts reliably and all of this for a bike that was 3yrs old when i bought it. Sails along reliably every day. If I had the money for a brand new bike i will probably have chosen the CBR but the CBF has certainly not dissapointed me.”
“My particular bike had been neglected, so needed a few parts and some work to be done. Fortunately, my neighbour has been using motorbikes for over 40 years, so was a great help. What has been a disappointment is obtaining parts - there is no local Honda dealership near where I live in London, and even third party shops are scarce.
So I have not really got on the bike and ridden it to give an honest review, but from the little bit of riding so far, it is a very good and simple bike for total newbies like me.”