“Had this bike for just under 1 year and love it. Its big enough for me at 6ft tall and 13 stone. I have done over 5000 miles since Feb this year with not one problem. I do a daily commute to work in all weathers of 40 miles.
I wanted to get some road experience in before making my mind up if I wanted a bigger bike and this little beauty has done that job perfectly. It also surprises people who are unsure if its a 125cc.
Longest ride has been 4 hours and it will handle bypasses and A roads no problem and no aches or pains. Its also responsive enough to get you out of traffic in town 0 to 30 is quick enough to leave normal traffic at the lights ( does not include by racers and ***** in BMWs who try to block you).
If you want a reliable comfy forgiving ride this will definitely suit and its bloody good fun too!”
“Looking for a first bike for one of the off-spring. When it comes to a 125 it is difficult to fault the Honda.
The engine design dates back decades so reliability should not be a problem,
Fuel injection brings this little machine up to date. No doubt for the purpose of emissions, but this also makes the bike super economical and quite happy to sit all day at 65mph.
These 125's are now made in India. Durability appears OK, but some bits (mainly exhaust finish) looks like it will not last one winter as the paint is a bit thin. Rear wheel cush-drives appear a common area of high wear. Our bike only had 4k miles on it when purchased and already they were knackered. On the positive side, parts are very reasonably priced.
Keep the oil fresh and change regularly, as it only has a very primitive centrifugal filtering system. That should ensure a very long life for these robust little bikes. A great first bike / commuter.”
“Great bike!
I can out handle most of 125s (other than KTMs Duke) because of it's light front wheel assembly, higher foot pegs (than a VanVan and YBR) and the Maxxis M918 tyres I got for it which I have found are better in every way compared to the Conti-Go tyres that come with the bike.
“Great starting bike for those who just got there CBT or someone looking a cheap and cheerful commuter bike
+ Great Fuel Economy
+ Light and agile for inter-city commuting
+ Small storage under pillion seat
+ Reliable Engine
- Plastic fairing build quality is a bit low
- Realistically needs a fuel filter installed (too stop Kangerooing)
- Stock tires aren't great. TVS tires are a most avoid and Conti-Gos are better but not great
“Great looking bike, easy to handle and comfortable for short- mid journey's (my personal opinion) it's a great first bike! Fuel consumption is minimal and insurance is next to nothing, beats a car any day for cost. Perfect Bike for decent weather conditions.”