“It's a great bike and does everything I need it to but if it has one problem it's the nobble on the saddle.it makes it very uncomfortable knocking constantly into your backside”
“Great little bike for commuting, handles like a bigger bike and gives me endless pleasure when riding for fun!
I'm told they hold the value well which I can understand as the other makes of mopeds etc don't look as good as mine even when new.
The build quality is second to none with a good bit of storage under the seat however the helmet I bought won't fit in there but saying that it's fine for a local shop, cans of beer etc and a take away!
I'm not too keen on the rear brakes but the front one is far better being a disc! Saying that it does have the balance system so you can't over compensate by using the one more than the other.
The stop - start thing isn't my cup of tea but it would save more fuel I imagine, still it works a treat.
All in all a great 125 cc bike, after all it's a Honda.”