“I purchased the bike to commute to and from work and have found it very reliable and easy on fuel. It is reasonable comfortable to ride although could do without the bum stop on the seat as this is a water trap. I believe Honda have fitted a different seat to the new model. It is nippy in traffic and meets all my requirements.”
“It is one of the best 125 cc bikes manufactured by Honda. I am currently using it for a month only and I am loving it. Good pick up, style, colour , making other riders envious.
Thank you, very please with the product and the services offered at Chiwick Honda.”
“If you want a bike according to 'horses for courses' rather than a dream machine ( for a dream highway) then this little bike is a thoroughbred. After 4k or so of enjoyable riding around devon and cornwall I've become very fond of this machine, glad of its purchase and the research that preceded it. I wanted a bike that was cheap to run and maintain - I average 100 mph and have had no service issues. I wanted carrying capacity - with a topbox, underseat storage and panniers it can carry the equivalent of 2 rucksacks. I wanted reliable performance - with its lightweight and strong low end torque it can leave everything else standing at the lights, carry my weight up any hill without a grumble, weave through congestion like a ferret, coast happily at 50 or 60 (highest I've had is 70 on the A38) and can brake smoothly and safely in all conditions. Most of my riding is urban/rural so this bike does everything I need a bike to do. Unless you own a racetrack or live on highway 66 this is an excellent,economic bike that copes confidently with the reality of our roads.”