“My little one took to LittleOak formula right away and the gas troubles that kept her up at night are gone! I’m so relieved and grateful that we’ve found a really wholesome alternative to the big name cow formulas we started out with.”
“My little one loves littleOak! He absolutely thrives on it and is such a happy, healthy baby. It's so nice knowing when your breastfeeding journey was not what you expected it to be that you can provide your baby with milk that is good for them!”
“Our twins love this formula! We settled on Little Oak after trying many other formulas as it is better for their tummies and has more natural ingredients than other firmulas we've seen.”
“We love little oak! After spending much time exploring different formula options for supplementing, we were impressed with little oaks quality and ingredients. We trust it more than any other we've seen!”
“Mes deux jumeaux adorent le lait de chèvre. Ils n’ont plus de coliques et de maux de ventre. Ils ne se tortillent plus et au contraire, ils vont super bien. Merci pour votre belle compagnie. J’en parle à plusieurs personnes autour de moi. ☺️”