4.7 Rating 37 Reviews
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TheMagic5 is a tribe of individuals sharing the love for a superior sports experience.

Whether TheMagic5 goggles will help you focus on your technique, or simply help enjoy the tranquility swimming can bring, you do deserve it – at least if you ask us.
TheMagic5 challenges the status quo, by custom fitting your swimming goggles to fit you and you only. Pushing technological boundaries, rethinking design and production process, we can create a unique pair of goggles for every single consumer. Most importantly of all, to ensure the best swimming experience for you!

You shouldn't feel you are wearing goggles.

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(980) 247-4838


6123 Providen Glen Road

Elizabeth Liotta
Verified Reviewer
Fast delivery! The best goggles I've ever used! No leaks or headaches
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Andrea Kinzler
Verified Reviewer
I have always had a bit of an issue with goggle fit. I have a weird head, I guess. It was never more evident in OWS, and with a 70.3 and a 140.6 on my list this year, my complaints finally got my girlfriend to order me a pair of these. I had zero fogging, no leakage, my sighting was perfect and had an amazing swim (for me) on the 70.3. I can't wait to have the same experience next month at IMAZ. Thank you.
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Posted 4 years ago
Ben Holliday Holliday
Verified Reviewer
The positive is that they are indeed comfortable. The sit on my face different than my former goggles. The negative is that the flat area on the top feels like they will come off of my face if I push off the wall really hard. They haven't done that yet but I am just now trying to get back into the pool after a year off. I have no idea if they will come off if I dive in but i would be concerned about it. My pool doesn't allow any diving so i don't know.
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Posted 4 years ago
William Howard
Verified Reviewer
I love these goggles. I don't know how they work, but they do. Now all I have to do is focus on swimming.
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Posted 4 years ago
Terrible experience; leaks and unwearable. We've been communicating via emails to THEMAGIC5 and with attempts to call THEMAGIC5 on many occasions since 10/01/2019. We have also requested instructions on return / refund information since 10/01/2019 from THEMAGIC5 and cannot get a response from THEMAGIC5. Please advise; 504-339-9600
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Posted 4 years ago