INCRA METRIC Shop Stop The Adjustable Stop Positioner The INCRA ShopStop is our most versatile stop. The vertical stop bar is adjustable up and down, it can be reversed, and it has a screw-based micro adjust. The Shop Stop is also expandable - the top section can be slid into a second channel on the base section to make the interior wide enough to span an INCRA fence and a wooden sub fence of up to 3/4". INCRA's patented positioning mechanics make it deadly accurate and completely repeatable. Features: Expands to Accommodate Any Fence Thickness Up to 1-1/2" Vertically Adjustable to Accommodate Any Fence Height Up to 3-1/2" Micro Adjustable for 1/1000" Precision Instantly Set (or reset) to Any Position with Machine Shop Accuracy and ZERO Repeatability Error
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