“Great quality. As sturdy as the gym and assembly is easy. No wobble, solid build! I use top 2 racks for 15 to 50 lb. dumbbells and instead of using bottom rack for dumbbells I turned the long supports inward to nearly hold jump rope, sneakers, and my perfect push-ups. Love it!”
“Taco is exactly what I thought it would be. Easy to assemble and holds my 5 to 45 dumbbells easily. Gave room for 1 more set. Looks great in garage. If ine thing could be improved, it would be the Titan sticker. Put the metal plates on the rack and make it look better. I mean my landmine stand has one, why not the rack?”
Thank you for sharing your feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us at info@titanfitness.com with any further comments, concerns, or suggestions you wish to share. We hope to be able to serve you again!
“GREAT purchase. The rack is sturdy, easy to assemble and looks great in the garage gym! Titan makes phenomenal products for the heat me gym. I don’t know if this would hold up to a commercial gym use, but for my needs it’s perfect!”