“I recently bought the X3 flat foot rack and couldn’t be happier with my purchase. The rack is sturdy and bolts together easily, but I would suggest having someone help with the assembly to speed up the process. I’m 5’10” and the short rack works fine for pull ups, just need to bend your knees a little bit. I also purchased the bolt on weight holders, since this rack doesn’t come with them, and it made the rack even more stable with the added weight. Delivery was quicker than expected, just short of a week.”
“Better than expected. Got tired of waiting for jerks at gym to get off the power rack. Got this for squats, deadlifts, power cleans. Metal is thick & solid. Many positions to hold bars.Super happy with purchase”
“Got this rack today. Put it together in an hour. Instructions online are pretty clear to figure out.
I honestly am very impressed with this rack. It def compares to the rogue rack that’s like 200-500 more in cost. Plus free shipping!!! Welds look perfectly fine to me. I like the titan cutout in the metal. The coating was done very well. Highly recommended. I would t even think twice. I’d buy it again”
“Got the rack a couple days ago, very easy to put together, very sturdy and I see nothing wrong with the welds. Also I've seen people say the j-cups face the same way, but the ones I received face opposite ways so I have absolutely no complaints. Awesome rack!”
“Got instructions online and put together and was working out by the afternoon. Solid have shown many of my friends this website and rack. No issues with shipping either.”
“This is a solid rack with no wobble, even with a 225lb guy doing pullups. The assembly instructions were horrible, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this rack will be in service for years to come”