This powerful Cable Crossover Machine is designed to give you a dynamic upper body workout, targeting your arms, shoulders, and core. As you consistently use this machine, you will notice a positive change in a whole host of muscles, including your pectorals, abs, deltoids, triceps, biceps, and obliques. This unit features high-quality pulleys and cables that are intended for maximum strength and capacity. This machine is 3 FT wide on either side, allowing you a greater range of motion while doing either high or low pulley workouts. It has four-weight plate sleeves that measure 9.75" in length, giving you ample room to store plenty of bumpers. This unit gives you the option to work out and exercise from home instead of the gym. Its size makes it perfect for a personal gym or a garage.
NOTE: For best use evenly distribute weight between posts. Uneven weight may cause unnecessary friction on weight bracket.