Hello, please accept our sincere apologies if the packaging of the item you received was damaged in transit. We value our customers' feedback and are constantly working with shipping providers to enhance our packaging so that it can survive the rigors of transit. If there are any severe damages to the item that affect its functionality, feel free to reach out. You may contact us at info@titanbrands.com if you require additional assistance.
Hello, please accept our sincere apologies if your order was delayed. Unfortunately, we have no control over these delays, although our carriers try their best to keep track of information up to date. Your feedback will undoubtedly be used to enhance our shipping process so that our partner courier can deliver our products on schedule. We're delighted you received your order, and if you have any concerns, please email us at info@titanbrands.com.
“As someone who spent a summer loading trucks for UPS, I can attest that packaging a long, heavy steel object for transport is difficult. The product arrived with the expected impact to the cardboard, but was undamaged.”