“I am excited about my NutraBurst. My family loves all the products with TLC. CaTina Johnson does an amazing job at listening to my needs as well as my family's needs. Every product she has introduced to me has given my family greatttt results. Trust me you will be happy with your purchase.
TLC #1 Fan
Queen Comisha”
“It’s not a bad vitamin but I weighed myself before starting the vitamins with the tea and weighed myself 3 weeks later and I gained 5 pounds, and I can really feel that I’ve gained weight. I was taking the vitamins in the morning with an empty stomach and taking the tea once or twice a day and I didn’t really notice anything but weight gain.”
“I love the smell and taste of Nutra Burst. I also was pleasantly surprised at how much energy this product gave me. Because I have food intolerance issues I have to take half a cap, but it still works just as well.”