TrowelMate Magnetic Tool Belt for Bricklayer - Trowel HolderTrowelMate was designed by bricklayers for bricklayersand utilisesmagnetic fields incorporated within the product to hold a trowel securely by your side. This gives it the optimum amount of strength so when you place a trowel against the Trowel Mate it is firmly held in place and yet to remove your trowel, it is simply a 'flick of the wrist' movement which takes no noticeable effort."A secure fix and an easy removal" The TrowelMate is washable, impervious to non-corrosive liquids and has a soft cushion feel."Speed Reliability and Comfort"Through extensive trials and testing it has been proven that even for a novice bricklayer the TrowelMate will increase speed and therefore your earning power."Just a few reason for having a TrowelMate"MONEY - Instantly increase your earning potentialHEALTH - Reduces the amount of bending helping both your legs and backTIME - Saves you walking / searching when you mislay your trowelSAFETY - Reduces the chance of accidents from dropping or tripping over your trowel.From one bricky to another..."So you have laid more blocks, earned more money, and not bent your back as much..."...Guess its worth having one!Due to the magnetic strength of the TrowelMate it is NOT RECOMMENDED for use by anyone fitted with a Pace Maker or an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD).
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