“It was a very easy process to select my pets memorial trees. Everything came nicely presented and arrived quicker than expected. I loved the idea to have my pets picture and statement in an online memorial. I like that I am helping the environment and that I can personally visit the tree planting area. It has helped give my family closure and assisted in the grieving process in a positive way. I purchased a grove of trees. I highly recommend this company for human or pet.”
“Our friends who we purchased this for after their 15 year old dog died were very touched. They felt good that his death was making the world a better place with the planting of new trees, especially since he is buried under a tree on their property.”
“I purchase trees for gifts or memorials and they are always appreciated. They come personalized and very thoughtful. People are happy to know something like this is out there, and love the thought and good behind it. Highly recommend this.”