“I was looking for a product to boost hydration during winter and to assist my skin with shift work recovery as I find working shiftwork really dehydrated me and my skin feels it.I‚Äôve been using this for a week, my skin is brighter, lines and smoothed and even though I‚Äôm sick with a terrible head cold I was complimented on how wonderful I looked! This won‚Äôt be a one off purchase .. I will be adding trilogy to my beauty regime from now on!”
“I often struggle to find products that appeal to both my inner eco warrior and my super sensitive eczema skin - this oil is an absolute jackpot for me! Made from real ingredients and soothing on dry inflamed skin. I cannot rave more highly about this product. It is heaven!!!”
“I have used it for a couple of months ... I have finally found something that is cleaning up my eczema! I don't know if is just this oil or the night moisturiser (ROSAPENE), or a mixture of the two of them, but since I started to use Trilogy products my eczema of the eyelids is gone completely!”
“I love this oil! I have naturally oily skin but I have never had any breakouts from this product. 3 drops does my whole face at night and leaves my skin feeling loved and nourished. I have enlarged pores and acne scarring and have noticed visible improvement and a quicker healing time over the last few months I have been using this oil”