“These poop bags are superb, I purchased them before from Amazon but when I went back to reorder the bags they were no longer being sold. It didn't take long to find them online so bought more. These are the best poop bags I've ever used. They are thick, leak proof, handles, and on a roll that fits in the standard poop bag too holders.
I've set up a subscription as I love these bags, in top of everything above they are comparable within 90 days. Made with starches and recycled plastic they fulfill the eco warrior in me to. No point in buying poop bags that take 50 years or more to decompose as some who claim to be echo friendly but make their bags from 100% Virgin and recycled plastics.
So if you want the best bags, without the fear of leaks and be good for the planet but these tuff pets poop bags today”
“I really like these bags, I have osteoarthritis in my finger joints but I can open these bags fairly easily, I also like that they are a good size and very strong. I would highly recommend them to anyone who uses poo bags.”