“These bags are the best poo bags I have ever used. They have a soft, almost neoprene feel to them and don't feel bulky in your holder or pocket, perfect! I also like the fact that the contents are not able to be on display too, which is a bonus when you have to carry for a time before you reach a bin. I love the fact that they are compostable too. They are excellent bags and I will be buying on repeat from now on. Thank you.”
“Have had bags that feel sturdier than these but have had no problems with them when picking up after our German Shepherd. Certainly the best ones we have been able to find on the market at present. Very pleased they are decomposable. Will definitely buy again.”
“I went with the reviews but I'm less impressed than others. Once opened these bags are certainly strong with smple room for my large hands.In my case, when I initially open the (ie the moment I pull the handles apart) 20% of the bags have torn rendering them useless. Perhaps I just had a bad bunch? I'm not heavy handed with them; when I've been down to my last couple of bags and tried hard to he careful and gentle they have still split open down the middle. When they open fine they are great but losing so many makes them an expensive and frustrating choice.”