“Uncle Matt's is absolute best orange juice! I have been ordering Ultimate Defense! My doctor wanted me to put anti-inflammatory foods in my diet. I found 3 of the top ingredients on my list in this juice.
I was going to drink it because I needed it but now I want to drink it. This juice is addictive its so good!”
“We love this OJ and have purchased at Krogers in DFW area. We moved south of Austin and now can’t purchase it!
Please start selling at H‑E‑B grocery stores …… plzzzzzz”
“Oh my gosh!!! This is the best orange juice I have ever had! I went to my local grocery store looking for a juice supplement. I was instructed by my doctor I need to eat anti-inflammatory foods.
So I was looking at the juices and saw Matt's Ultimate Defense. It had black pepper, turmeric and ginger. Everything I was supposed to have in my daily diet. I bought a couple of small bottles.
Before I took my first sip I thought I'm going to drink this because I need to. My first sip I was soooo surprised and happy. This stuff is delicious! I drink it everyday.”