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Unlimited Phone Plan(Starter)-From $23/line/mo. Incl Taxes & Fees. Reviews

4.6 Rating 272 Reviews
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Unlimited Talk, Text & Premium 5G Data phone plan

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US Mobile is the carrier that gives customers the freedom to choose what they need and never pay for what they don’t.

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11 East 44th Street,
Floor 2,
New York
New York

Have had service issues a few times. Otherwise, I am satisfied with the price and quality of service.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Good connections with no dropped calls, excellent value for a MVNO
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This by-request review has me rating a basic unlimited line...not sure if that's really the plan I'm on because I pay $35/mo rather than $20, but the unlimited plan I have is still pretty awesome. It is way more than I need, but most importantly the connection is very fast and flawless. [[When I started to write this I went online to review my plan and usage and have now downgraded to a 15gb plan which will more than cover me and will save me money, so YAY!]] When I started with US Mobile on my iPhone 13 Pro Max (which supports either Verizon or T-Mobile network protocols) I signed up for Verizon because I was assured by a rep that it would be the fastest connection. For whatever reason, it was not (even though we have lots of nearby towers). Since we have T-Mobile G-5 home internet that is blazing fast, I switched to the T-Mobile network option and it's been a dream ever since. Oddly, on my phone rather than showing as G5 service, as Verizon did, it shows as LTE, but it's still massively faster than anything I ever got on the Verizon network...no idea why. Since switching I have no complaints! I would like to add that I also tried Metro by T-Mobile and it seemed like their high speed service was throttled (definitely slower). I had also tried Visible by Verizon and it was a disaster...slow G5 and a very iffy connection even though there are Verizon towers surrounding our house and even when connected, not overly fast G5 either (T-mobile's is much faster). But I DO want to comment that I truly appreciate having both options (T-Mobile and Verizon networks) and I think their connections are faster than other pre-paid service providers deliver. My ONLY issue with US Mobile is some truly bizarre customer service issues I've had in the past. My credit card was compromised and was cancelled the day the fraud was discovered, which happened to be later in the day from when the autopay went through. I asked the bank if this was an issue and if the payment had gone thru and they said it was fine. A month or 2 later when the fraud investigation was wrapped up and my money was returned to the card, they also refunded the autopay without my knowledge. The next day my phone was cut off with no explanation and when I finally got home and logged in to chat and find out what was going on they told me I not only had to pay them back, I also had to have my bank REVERSE the fine and erase the ding on their credit before they would reinstate my phone! First of all by this point they had already collected another month or 2 of payments on my new card, so the phone was paid for that month already, but also, my bank was telling me there was no way for them to erase the chargeback, although they agreed to process a refund. It took me DAYS and tons of begging and letters from my bank before they would reconnect my phone...and even then they only did it because I told them I was cancelling service and signing up immediately with another company. At that point my phone was restored within MINUTES (after they had been telling me for days it wasn't possible). Since all of this drama, everything has been great and I still think their service is the best I've every had for the absolute best price... but I really hope they've figured out a way to deal with customer service issues better than what I experienced. (This is the ONLY reason I am giving them 4 stars instead of 5.)
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Service is reliable, great, and cheap. I love seeing reactions from cell phone sales representatives at kiosks when they find out how little I pay per line/month!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Michael Alan
Verified Reviewer
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Posted 1 year ago
Difficult to get technical support. Takes too long to port out number.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Not very good cell service all across Phoenix and the surrounding area. Sometimes I will not get calls at all and find out later some people were trying to call me and say my service was not available.. This has not happened in a month but I can be talking on the phone and it would just cut off. I would try to call back but it would not go through. The fix is to reboot my phone and then I can get through. (wife had same issues, different phone). If I know i will have a very important call coming say tomorrow, when I wake up I will reboot my phone just in case, seems to help. Chatted with US Mobil more than 3 times over months with no help. Well, they say they are doing things to help but it is the same thing each time with no change to my service. The only reason I still have it and it got 2 stars instead of 1 is it is cheap and I am too busy to change over multiple phones service, as it takes time and planning. (unless the pain to chang over to this was just US Mobil and it is easier than this was??) (might find out soon enough).
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Posted 1 year ago
Good quality with the network backing by Verizon. Price is affordable. Good to try.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago