“MY first experience was bad and I indicated so in my first review. However, after being contacted by the company personally and giving it a second try, with a darker color, I am now officially a "happy camper". And for the first time in a long time, the first layer of my skin has not been burned off by chemicals. Thank you!”
“I've used three or four times and it performs as advertised. I'm looking for a salt-and-pepper thing and it takes some experimenting. Moustache especially seems to come out dark. But overall I really like it. I tried dye before and what a pain. This is clean and quick and easy.”
Hi Harold. We made the container compact enough so you can slip it into a small pocket when you travel. Although the vial seems small it can give you up to 25-30 applications. Also, once you figure out what shade works the best for you I would recommend getting our ECO-2-PACK that will provide more product and a great value. Thanks for the feedback!
“Honestly I’ve been thinking for years that if ladies could apply mascara that easy why can’t men have the same feature for our beards?! The color is spot on. My only wish is that it would last longer and not transfer easily if wiped. But still an awesome product I’m already enjoying.”
I'ts funny David, we got some guys making fun of mascara applicators but the truth is that it works better than any other brush out there when it comes to color application on hair and beard. In the end, the most important thing is that the product does it's job regardless of what applicator is used, lol.